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MacGyver, General MacGyver related images |
DannyMac |

Challengers Volunteer

Posts: 25
Joined: 3 Oct 2007
Gender: Female
Country: England
SAK owned:
Season: season 4
Episode:The Outsiders, & 70, 72,75,79
Vehicle: Truck
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat

I'm looking for a Mac pic of mine I can no longer find - Don't know why... I only have a slightly altered copy I made of it for an artwork... If I put in the Photobucket link to what I do have, can someone take a look at the pic, and perhaps, manage to send me the link to the original pic, so that I can collect it once again and do more/different artwork?? http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e77/Spar...CreamBeauty.jpgThanks... Bethany xx
When SG1 started to be shown over here, it took this then stereotypical Trekkie a while to open up to the Universe of the Stargate - But thank God it got me in the end!!!
DannyMac |

Challengers Volunteer

Posts: 25
Joined: 3 Oct 2007
Gender: Female
Country: England
SAK owned:
Season: season 4
Episode:The Outsiders, & 70, 72,75,79
Vehicle: Truck
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat

I know... There's no trace of it left! I've strengthened the colours, etc, so it's almost back to what it was before I faded it for artwork... It's a scan in of someone's poster, obviously, as there are folds in it... Bethany xxxxxxxxxxx
When SG1 started to be shown over here, it took this then stereotypical Trekkie a while to open up to the Universe of the Stargate - But thank God it got me in the end!!!
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