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Posted: 1 November 2006 - 06:25 PM                                    
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Posted: 9 April 2013 - 01:18 PM                                    
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When MacGyver meets Barbara Ortega at the beginning of the episode, he takes off his sunglasses and puts it his pocket twice. Once when we just see him and again when both of them are on screen.

I think the poison that was used was applied to this knife, passed to the mutton when it was cut and then activated by the wine. - MacGyver.
Sometimes you just have to die a little inside to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.
It's better to be a little sad than to be fake content.

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Posted: 27 October 2015 - 08:51 AM                                    
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Director of Intelligence

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Don't you think it's a little strange for a boy to play soccer a day after his operation. If he had a shattered knee from a bullet wound as Ortega states don't you think his recovery would last longer or let alone that he would be able to keep his leg. Maybe a cruel thought but this is of course assuming the last scene is the next day or day after.

I think the poison that was used was applied to this knife, passed to the mutton when it was cut and then activated by the wine. - MacGyver.
Sometimes you just have to die a little inside to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.
It's better to be a little sad than to be fake content.

PMEmail PosterMSN                                                                     
Barry Rowland
Posted: 27 October 2015 - 10:17 AM                                    
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It was a really good episode suspense wise, but you're right about the little boy. That recovery was miraculous!


"The bag's not for what I take. It's for what I find along the way!"

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Posted: 19 April 2017 - 02:30 PM                                    
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Did anyone find it strange that once Mac got on the island he was fully clothed? I'm no scuba diver, but I don't think his clothes would fit under that suit (please correct me if I'm wrong) and I doubt he could fit a shirt, jeans and shoes into the bag he was carrying as it always looked pretty flat (again, please correct me if I'm wrong). He had nothing else as he dumped most of his gear in the water.


"I've found from past experiences that the tighter your plan, the more likely you are to run into something unpredictable" ~ MacGyver (The Heist)

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Posted: 20 April 2017 - 03:29 AM                                    
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After he climbs ups the hill from the beach we see him start to open the bag and then the next shot he is in his normal clothing so to me that pretty strongly indicates that we're suppose to believe all his clothes and shoes were in that little flat bag he was carrying.

I've seen other shows/movies where the same kind of thing is done with covert beach landing like that and they too carried a waterproof bag with their clothing in it for a quick change on the beach. So it's not an uncommon theme, maybe just not greatly executed in this instance.

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Posted: 20 April 2017 - 05:04 AM                                    
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DXS Agent

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Yeah, I've seen shows like that too. I don't think it's a big deal and agree that it leaves the audience to make assumptions and I'm fine with that. Just curious if others noticed!


"I've found from past experiences that the tighter your plan, the more likely you are to run into something unpredictable" ~ MacGyver (The Heist)

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Posted: 21 May 2024 - 04:51 PM                                    
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in the beginning when the navy seals demo is going on, they set a timer for 30 seconds , you can see a hand move the timer to 0

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