Let's roll...
-Hey, it's the guy from the Weezer album cover, or "Lost"...and definitely the guy from H5O!
-Change in plans? The Codex lead? What could possibly be more important than *any* Codex lead?
-Ah, a "personal" mission.
-It's T-1000!
-I don't know, suspension of disbelief and all, but at the end of the day, I just cannot envision Matty Weber being a field agent...let alone a highly effective one. Perhaps from a mental standpoint, but...
-Qaddafi's Secret Police, no less.
-The dirty bomb thing seems like something Codex would see right through...especially if he Jerry just randomly brought it up after weeks of supposed interaction.
-Love Mac getting frustrated when nothing he tries works...sometimes this show suffers a bit too much from "nailed it the first time" syndrome.
-Aww, poignant moment between Matty and Riley.
-The Bends? Like the Radiohead album?
-The Codex recruiter looks like a cross between the DoD lady from last week and Nikki...
-Love Jerry's smoothness during this meeting, but it was all for naught...unsurprisingly.
-It may have been a handicap match but not a great look for the tag team of Mac and Desi to not be able to handle some dudes in bulky HazMat suits...lol.
-"Just once I wanna come to Europe as a tourist." Hey Mac, at least you're in a post-pandemic world and can do that!
-LOL Jerry being dressed too nicely was the tell. Great work Bozer and Russ.
-Pretty sure there's no way Mac and Desi aren't dead after that barrage of bullets from that close of range. Can I get the name of that windshield manufacturer?
-Codex sleeper cells seem to be everywhere. Phoenix can't be surprised by this, can they?
-Russ: "We can't trust anybody." Well, that's kind of your MO already.
I liked this one. The Slovenia storyline was intriguing as Mac struggled to solve the issue for most of the episode, and the reveal was cool. Jerry and the Codex storyline had some humor, but overall just served as a continuance of the introductory thread for the greater Codex return. It really could have been anybody in that role. That said, in overall terms of the series at-large this is a bit of forgettable episode too. Filler, almost.