Every week I will be posting a new topic titled "Episode Discussion". In this we will discuss an episode, what we liked about it, what we didn't like, etc.
Episode 65 - The Secret of Parker House
MacGyver accompanies his friend Penny Parker to an old house she inherited from her aunt, but suspects foul play when the house appears to be haunted. Note: This episode was advertised as the "Halloween Special."
Season: season 1
Episode:Jack in the Box (...possibly!)
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
Votes from May 2006 Poor [ 0 ] [0.00%] Average [ 2 ] [11.76%] OK [ 1 ] [5.88%] Good [ 10 ] [58.82%] Excellent [ 4 ] [23.53%] Total Votes: 17
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Posted by: MacGyverGod Nov 28 2005, 02:31 AM
A good episode for as far as I know. Penny Parker is really girlish afraid. If it wasn't for MacGyver... anyway. The night scene was good when the electricity fell out and Penny met the skull of her aunt.
'There's not such thing as ghosts!'
Posted by: MacGyver Nov 28 2005, 08:36 AM
Oh yeah! "The Secret of Parker House"- a great Halloween episode, MacGyver-style. The whole mystery surrounding Penny's Aunty Betty was really interesting and the whole thing with Virgil was really creepy the first time I saw it. Especially the whole thing with him cutting out all the pictures of Aunt Betty. And MacGyver did a really cool job reconstructing the skull and then the end bit where MacGyver blew an opening in the wall. And the ending was creepy too, leaving you thinking that maybe there was a ghost after all! This was one of the MacGyver episodes that had a hint of supernatural stuff in there (other examples- "Ghost Ship", "The Visitor", "Trail of Tears", "Walking Dead", etc.)
Anyway, great MacGyver episode as usual and an exciting kickoff to the 4th. Season (though technically the real start is "Blood Brothers", but anyway)
Posted by: rockatteer Nov 28 2005, 09:34 AM
The reconstruction of the face was too much for me
I've always had troble with how they reconstruct faces and seeing Mac reconstruct a face to look like Penny was too much.
How did he know what type of hair the dead women had? or what her nose and mouth etc looked like?
Posted by: MacGyverGod Nov 28 2005, 11:50 AM
That's the way they do it and erasers are part of it.
Posted by: rockatteer Nov 28 2005, 02:36 PM
Yes MG that’s my point. There is NO way they can tell the shape of a persons nose or their hair type from a bare skull.
They can use the skull contours to create the shape of a face I guess, but there is no nose bone in a skull and certainly no hair bones.
They claim to be very scientific about it, but I say if everyone’s face conformed to the same biological laws of muscle thickness and skin tension etc... we would all look VERY similar to each other.... but the fact is we don't.
Our face muscles are different thicknesses and produce different types of faces... a dimple is the product of a muscle attaching itself to the skin.... there’s noway they can tell that from an empty skull.
I'm sorry but the whole face reconstruction thing to me is mumbo jumbo.
Of corse this is just an opinion, because I don't know how they make the measurements and what their calculations etc are to produce the end result.....
But in my opinion there are too many variables and other influences (muscle tone, weight etc) for a true likeness to be present from just an empty skull bone.
Posted by: MacGirl Nov 29 2005, 09:07 AM
Actually, Rock, facial reconstruction is based on generally accepted measurements of skin thickness. A lot of it is artistic leeway, but you'd be surprised at how close a trained forensic artist can come to reconstructing someone's face with accuracy. It's often good enough to produce posters with pics of an unidentified person, and very often remains are identified in this way. True, they can't create quirks like dimples and such, but it's still surprisingly accurate. Also, today I think they're moving away from working on skulls (concerns about contamination of evidence) and are using computer modeling more and more.
Anyway... this is one of the two Penny episodes I can honestly say I like. Though of course I've forgotten a lot of it, I do remember it being creepy and interesting and funny. There really was a mystery here, and I liked how Mac had his hard-core rationality challenged. I am looking forward to seeing this one again.
Posted by: MacGyverGod Nov 29 2005, 11:01 AM
Hehehe. Perhaps the ending should've been overnight during the lightning storm to have more effect.
Posted by: MacGirl Nov 29 2005, 06:05 PM
It's been so long since I've seen this that I can't even remember the ending!
Posted by: thyla Dec 1 2005, 09:59 AM
All I remember is that Mac was wearing a muscle shirt towards the end. I know I am shallow.
Posted by: Kim_K Dec 2 2005, 11:57 PM
This is a one of my faves. I really like the "supernatural" episodes, and The Secret Of Parker House is no exception. But I think the could have excluded that "remaking-face" thing.
"-There is no such thing as ghosts!"
Posted by: Lothithil Dec 20 2005, 12:52 PM
QUOTE How did he know what type of hair the dead women had?
This one is the easy one... the wig came out of Aunt Betty's closet!
Posted by: rockatteer Dec 20 2005, 01:39 PM
yeah I watched it about 2 nights ago and realised that.
Posted by: Lothithil Dec 21 2005, 04:50 AM
My favourite moment from this ep is when Penny is going on about how upset she is to learn that she's related to a gangster and a madwoman, and Mac tells her that he's not surpised. *Mac foot-in-mouth-moment*
He saves himself by tactfully saying that all families have 'black sheep'.
"Is there a black sheep in your family," Penny asks.
Mac cocks his head and says, "You're lookin' at him!"
*love that!*
Posted by: MACGYVERISMYDAD Dec 22 2005, 06:01 AM
one of my favorites!! i am into ghost and the supernatural. i think it was a great idea to implement this idea into the story. i remember watching it when i was 10 and give me goosbumps. very well written story line. my favorite part is in the beginining when the lady scares penny with the mask on. i also love how mac doesnt believe in ghosts but towards the end he changes his mind!!
Posted by: MacsChick Feb 2 2006, 05:19 PM
This is definitely one of my favorite episodes! I can't believe I didn't vote for this episode sooner! The first time I saw it, I think I was around 8 or 9 years old...boy, it sure kept me in suspense! After watching it again for the first time in many years, I still get chills. I forgot a lot of what happened in it, so it was like watching it for the first time all over again. I have to say...it still creeps me out! They did a good job keeping things a mystery as to what was really going on, and I love it when Mac gets to play detective (not to mention wear a tank top! ) I've been in old houses like that, where something definitely feels wrong. And how about the ending when the beam from the gazebo impales Cliff? Talk about poetic justice! It also left you wondering if maybe there were supernatural forces at work.
On another note...isn't it funny how many times Penny thinks Mac is doing something sweet for her in this episode? You know, fixing the music box, giving her flowers...it almost makes you wonder if she's got a crush on him! She even tells him the house won't be too scary because she's got him to look at! I agree with her there!
Posted by: Lady Angra Feb 12 2006, 10:45 AM
This was my first MacGyver episode and I loved it. Too bad Penny's not part of every episode.
Sjaop Posted on Mar 6 2006, 09:57 PM
The way he tries to convince himself there's no such thing as ghosts, when he finds out the secret doorway and the wind blows out his candle (was it the wind???) I think that part was absolutely brilliant.
Or the part when Penny is spooked by noise coming from underneath the blue sail and walks up to it with a pole in her hand, almost hitting Mac over the head. She says something like "MacGyver, you scared me to death!" and he replies with something like "you almost ended up taking me with you"
I can't exactly remember the phrases, but I loved those!!!
Toni Posted on Apr 2 2006, 02:52 AM
I dont like Penny Parker so therefore I only voted av. The only thing I liked was that Mac made the reconstruction of the face. From the skull that was buried in the garden that was cool.
I just saw it again and I think this is one of the best Penny-MacGyver dynamics in the whole series. I didn't notice any man-woman tension (you know what I mean?) but I have never been sure the writers of the show actually wanted there to be any at all. And if they did, shouldn't they at least share the bedroom?! So I guess just good friends.
I agree the reconstruction bit a slightly too much. Not that it isn't scientifically accurate but the fact that he is able to do it perfectly and overnight looked a bit too much to me. Loved the mint and banana icing cake, though.
Loved Virgil when he
Here's a question to MacGyver all-knowers: Penny does say to the sheriff that Mac is no amateur (I guess she is referring to amateur investigator into Penny's aunt's murder) but why did he say he 'actually was an amateur'? Is he just being modest?
Penny does say to the sheriff that Mac is no amateur (I guess she is referring to amateur investigator into Penny's aunt's murder) but why did he say he 'actually was an amateur'? Is he just being modest?
He was being honest.
He isn't a professional investigator, nor is he any kind of professional forensic scientist. To quote from The Enemy Within "I dabble."
So in context of the conversation he is an amateur and MacGyver was never egotistical anyway, nor did he exaggerate things. So he was being his usual honest and humble self.
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Country: East Texas
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Season: season 7
Episode:The Stringer
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Black/Navy flight
House: Second Loft
The best part about this epo for me was when Mac reconstructed the human skull that he found.I love that kinda stuff. It showed how smart he really was.
Walk in Love,Walk in service,and you will walk in honor. My beloved son Angus.
Penny has some very funny lines in that episode. "We're about to die and you give geology lessons"
I love old houses. I would have marched right in and explored all the secrets. With Mac on my side, it would have been even better
But what really really baffles me is the scene when Mac brings in the groceries and has his jacket over his head because it's raining, and is bumping on the door for Penny to let him in. The first time I saw this I thought "what is Jack O'Neill doing in that episode? Where did he suddenly come from?"
Don't you agree that Mac's (or RDA's) facial expression there looks exactly like the later Jack O'Neill? Usually I can tell Mac and Jack apart very nicely, but this surprised me.
I wonder though why he gave the keys to Penny. Wouldn't have it made more sense to keep them when going outside again? But then again we could have not this spooky moment with the self closing door...
Another EP where i was scared when I first saw it, but after watching it a few more times I got used to it, I jumped when MacGyver's hand came out with the skull.
The Finnish episode title is "Kartanon salaisuus", meaning "Secret of the Manor".
First episode to be broadcast in stereo.
This episode was advertised as the "Halloween Special."
I think they still use reconstructions based on victims' skulls in forensics departments, but only if the forensic pathologist has signed off as having done all the tests that they need to do first.
Also, it can take a few weeks for a reconstruction artist to get a result as well, but this is for an hour-long TV show, so they had to take a little dramatic licence. I could certainly suspend my disbelief and see what they were trying to do with that sequence.
Some days, you wonder why you got out of bed... Watching and enjoying Season 7 on Region 2 DVD!
I think they still use reconstructions based on victims' skulls in forensics departments, but only if the forensic pathologist has signed off as having done all the tests that they need to do first.
It's done using computer software these days.
They 3D scan the skull into the computer and then it does all the calculations which use to be done manually using the "erasers" and clay strips.
Although I'm sure not every forensic lab in the world can afford the hi-tech solution, so the old method is probably still used a lot as well, and still taught in Forensic science classes.
Season: season 3
Episode:Hell Week
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
I just remember that black tank that Mac was wearing, holding the hammer. Yummy...hehe
I thought it kinda silly they'd let him tamper with evidence at first, but then when we knew the sheriff was responsible for the killing then it made more sense.
The reconstruction of the skull would never have happened like that. Mac isn't a pro yet he managed to do a job most pros would struggle with. You can tell a persons nose shape from the skull. You can look at a skull and tell if that person was male, female, black or white. So if say he saw that the skull was from a black person he'd made the nose slightly bigger and perhaps wider as the shape of a black persons nose is different from that of a white person. I watch a lot of Bones, haha.
"You may not believe this, but there have been times when I've had a lot more fun in the back seat of a car." - MacGyver (Golden Triangle)
Season: season 5
Episode:Serenity, Eagles, Passages
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
I really love this episode!
Mac and Penny
"I guess the way you look at the world depends on where you are. From up here it looked like a pretty nice place."
"When I was a kid, my grandfather used to say to me that ... a fellow's life wasn't worth mentioning if he hadn't shared it with some folks along the way."
Posts: 154
Joined: 25 Jul 2012
Gender: Female
Country: A non-US island
SAK owned: Multifaceted
Season: ---
Episode:Bitter Harvest
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Black leather
House: House boat
So sorry about the delay, folks! I'm trying to watch one episode per day, but I've been very busy during the last couple weeks, and things will probably be a bit hectic for a while. I haven't forgotten MacGyver though!
"The Secret of Parker House" is probably my favorite Penny Parker episode... though I'd rather not use "favorite" and "Penny Parker" in the same sentence.
But, under these circumstances, she's actually not as flimsy as she usually is. Many people are freaked out by old houses. However, as the avid urban explorer I am, I know that I'd be delighted beyond words to get an opportunity to explore a house like that... ignoring the thought of any eventual ghosts...
I love Penny's outfit by the way, I'd never wear such clothes (and colors) myself but it's *so* typically 80's... Wonderful.
There are many inconsistencies in this episode too. I honestly very much doubt Mac would use the actual skull for the reconstruction process. I know, they only have so little time to show these things, but I'd find it more plausible if he'd created some kind of replica. And he'd definitely used gloves while handling the real thing. I know these kind of reconstructions can be made, but usually with the help from a computer these days--and definitely not over night.
However, I really liked the conclusion of the episode. I pitied Penny's aunt--she must have had a very hard life, poor thing. I think the "gentle giant" touch with Vergil was very nice too. And my favorite line is definitely when Mac is climbing down the cellar stairs, repeating his own mantra "there's no such thing as ghosts..."
Posts: 904
Joined: 6 May 2010
Gender: Male
Country: CO
SAK owned: Spartan
Season: season 3
Episode: . . . Holy Rose
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
I liked Mac's red jacket. I had one similar to it that I bought at the GAP. There, I said it . . . years ago I shopped at the GAP. Please don't kick me off this site.
But seriously, I loved this episode. I love stories that deal with the super natural, ghosts, spirits, legends, etc.
"Jeep. My Jeep? What are you talking about? Penny! My Jeep?" - MacGyver
"Look at me. I'm a hurtin' guy! I'm beat up. I need a month's worth of sleep . . . and I need a haircut!" - MacGyver
"It's been said, 'The best gift a man could ever give another, was his life', Jack Dalton was never one to settle for less than the best. Thank you Jack." - MacGyver
"Reboots are born out of the lack of imagination." M. Lance Frank
Season: season 4
Episode:Deadly Dreams
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Black leather
House: House boat
I love Mac's voice over and expression in the beginning of this one. XD
Hold on, I think I hear a point coming up. LOL
"Walk in love. Walk in service. And you will walk in honor." (Good Knight MacGyver) "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein "What are ferrets made of? Happiness."
Posts: 904
Joined: 6 May 2010
Gender: Male
Country: CO
SAK owned: Spartan
Season: season 3
Episode: . . . Holy Rose
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
Jediferret, I had forgotten about that line. You're right it's very .
"Jeep. My Jeep? What are you talking about? Penny! My Jeep?" - MacGyver
"Look at me. I'm a hurtin' guy! I'm beat up. I need a month's worth of sleep . . . and I need a haircut!" - MacGyver
"It's been said, 'The best gift a man could ever give another, was his life', Jack Dalton was never one to settle for less than the best. Thank you Jack." - MacGyver
"Reboots are born out of the lack of imagination." M. Lance Frank
Posts: 150
Joined: 29 Jul 2013
Gender: Male
Country: USA
SAK owned: Tinker
Season: season 1
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: Observatory
Mac accompanies his friend Penny to an old mansion she inherited. The episode was not bad but not one of the all time greats. I liked the idea of Mac in an old house. When he reconstructed the face from the skull he found on the grounds was pretty innovative for the time period.
Season: season 3
Episode:Strictly Business
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: ---
House: House boat
I haven't watched the episodes in the correct order and it just occurred to me that "The Secret of Parker House", which takes place around Halloween, is the first episode of the season! The other seasons started in September... Any reason(s) for the late season premiere?
"Definitely Murdoc's handiwork. I could fix it if I only had some duct tape." -Murdoc (impersonating MacGyver), "Strictly Business"
Season: season 3
Episode:Passages, Nightmares
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
Hm, that's interesting. I never even noticed. I'll have to do some digging.
"Our principles are the springs of our actions. Our actions, the springs of our happiness or misery. Too much care, therefore, cannot be taken in forming our principles." -Red Skelton
"You can't live in the past - there's a future to be had!"
Season: season 4
Episode:Deadly Dreams
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Black leather
House: House boat
I might be wrong about this, but didn't he have his back surgery around that time? I don't know exactly when he had back surgery, I just know it was around the start of Season 4... or something like that. lol
"Walk in love. Walk in service. And you will walk in honor." (Good Knight MacGyver) "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein "What are ferrets made of? Happiness."
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Joined: 13 Jan 2004
Gender: Male
Country: Belgium
SAK owned: Don't know
Season: season 5
Episode:Serenity, Passages, Humanity
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Black/Navy flight
House: House boat
So this is why season 4 only has 19 episodes too. They're actually short of 2-3 episodes.
So you think this time period might also be the reason why they switched Blood Brothers with The Secret of Parker House? Blood Brothers was supposed to be the first episode but because of the delay and the nearing Halloween night they aired The Secret of Parker House first?
I think the poison that was used was applied to this knife, passed to the mutton when it was cut and then activated by the wine. - MacGyver. Sometimes you just have to die a little inside to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you. It's better to be a little sad than to be fake content.
Posts: 7,069
Joined: 23 Jan 2013
Gender: Male
Country: South Africa
SAK owned: Tinker/Pioneer
Season: season 1
Episode:The Human Factor
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
When I originally saw this back in the 1980's as a kid, it scared the hell out of me. Watching it now of course, its quite campy but still a good episode.
"The bag's not for what I take, Colson - it's for what I find along the way."
Season: season 4
Episode:Deadly Dreams
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Black leather
House: House boat
I remember seeing this when it first aired as well. This episode was what got me into horror movies. Especially haunted house movies. To this day, the original "The Haunting" is one of my favorite movies because of this episode. lol
Sure, it's campy... but I still love it. lol
"Walk in love. Walk in service. And you will walk in honor." (Good Knight MacGyver) "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein "What are ferrets made of? Happiness."
Recently I've discovered that there are two versions of this episode. One hase some scenes missing. For example in one version there is no MacGyver and Peny talk at the beginning of the episode in the Jeep. Episode starts when Jeep is driving into the town and there is episode title shown.
Was there few versions of the show?
"You can do anything you want to do, if you put your mind to it"
Posts: 4,092
Joined: 28 Nov 2003
Gender: Male
Country: NZ
SAK owned: Tinker
Season: season 3
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
QUOTE (Marcin @ 19 May 2014 - 10:42 PM)
Recently I've discovered that there are two versions of this episode. One hase some scenes missing. For example in one version there is no MacGyver and Peny talk at the beginning of the episode in the Jeep. Episode starts when Jeep is driving into the town and there is episode title shown.
Was there few versions of the show?
Some TV stations (especially in other countries) cut scenes out to allow more advertising or to fit specific broadcasting standards and rules they have.
So it if very possible that the episode you see in Poland was edited to fit the stations requirements.