MacGyver: The Complete Series BD Set
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Posted: 11 June 2024 - 05:42 AM                                    
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Director of Intelligence

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Season: season 1
Episode:The Human Factor
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

That is a great set, Jano. A little on the expensive side however. Not sure why all the German releases are always so pricey. They have released a bunch of great titles but with a catch! biggrin.gif

Still, very nice set indeed!

"The bag's not for what I take, Colson - it's for what I find along the way."

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Posted: 12 June 2024 - 11:42 AM                                    
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Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
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House:  House boat

I love that the series is finally available on BluRay, but I wish German-speaking regions finally had the rights to have the movies included as they've never been released here on physical media (probably not on streaming either). Either you caught them on TV or you missed them.

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Posted: 12 June 2024 - 11:55 AM                                    
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Challengers Volunteer

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It's not a problem of the region but of the actual contract. The license for the tv movies wasn't included with the series (neither those of Streets of San Francisco, a series that was in the same package), but it supposed to be just a formality and an easy addendum that was also supposed to happen soon (after the contract was signed in 2019). Until it wasn't once CBS rebranded to Paramount and all the people in charge changed several times.

At the moment, nobody is really in charge of external licensing for Europe or at least not for Germany, and previously, it was someone who fell out sick for about two years or so without any replacement being appointed.

So the additional disc with the films will surely be made available at some point (that's what the empty slot in the last digipak is for, and it's also mentioned in the booklet), but at the moment, it's still completely uncertain how soon or not soon that might be.

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