First RDA 'MacGyver' Collectible is Available Now! |
Jediferret |

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QUOTE (KiwiTek @ 20 April 2015 - 09:06 PM) | Somewhere where the sun wont shine on it to fade it  |
LOL! I would be so mad at myself if I did that... XD Most likely it will go in my living room, which I started calling the "geek corner". XD
QUOTE (CaptainObvious) | I would hang it on a wall. |
"Walk in love. Walk in service. And you will walk in honor." (Good Knight MacGyver) "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein "What are ferrets made of? Happiness." Twitter ~ Twitch ~ YouTube
Mac2Nite |

Special Forces Agent
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Season: season 4
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House: House boat

Thanks for that update Legends... I'm still thrilled with my 2 purchases and I can apply the foam insert you suggest myself... great idea. I also noticed that the SAKs in mine are engraved with ALL of the letters in MacGyver capitalized & the same size, unlike the demo version which has his name correctly engraved with the large "M" and the smaller "AC" in Mac. Was this a last minute change that went unnoticed? The write-up below the SAK has the name written correctly. Excuse the angle of my photo... I tried to avoid having my flash reflect off of the SAK on mine:  Official Legends website version:
"Any problem can be solved with a little ingenuity."
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