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5-08 - SOS + Hazmat + Ultrasound + Frequency +, Malihini
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Posted: 30 January 2021 - 01:45 AM                                    
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5-08 SOS + Hazmat + Ultrasound + Frequency + Malihini

Airdate: Feb 12, 2021
Written by: Cindy Appel
Directed by: Yangzoma Braun

Guest Cast:
Jorge Garcia (Jerry Ortega)
Robert Patrick (Ian Cain)
Carey Van Driest (Dr. Novak)
Sunny Mabrey (Recruiter)
Daniel O’Callaghan (Older Man/Dr. Viskoff)
Jordan Trovillion (Nurse)

Mac and team rush to help when Matty’s former mentor, Ian Cain (Robert Patrick), and his embassy staff come down with a deadly, mysterious illness. Also, Taylor and Bozer work with Jerry Ortega (“Hawaii Five-0’s” Jorge Garcia) to infiltrate a Codex cell.

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Posted: 13 February 2021 - 04:35 AM                                    
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Reboot Specialist

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Country: Switzerland
SAK owned: a red one ;-)

Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

so... Jack was right about Sparky and the Robo-pocalypse? tongue.gif

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That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire...
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Posted: 13 February 2021 - 10:41 AM                                    
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Special Forces Agent

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Season: season 1
Episode:For Love Or Money
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  Observatory

QUOTE (DashboardOnFire @ 13 February 2021 - 04:35 AM)
so... Jack was right about Sparky and the Robo-pocalypse? tongue.gif

Sparky and his ilk will eventually be a bigger threat than Codex...both Jerry and the big guy who loved karaoke would agree.

"I'm simply filling the empty moments."

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Posted: 13 February 2021 - 11:39 AM                                    
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Special Forces Agent

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SAK owned: Shriner-Issued

Season: season 1
Episode:For Love Or Money
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  Observatory

Let's roll...

-Hey, it's the guy from the Weezer album cover, or "Lost"...and definitely the guy from H5O!

-Change in plans? The Codex lead? What could possibly be more important than *any* Codex lead?

-Ah, a "personal" mission.

-It's T-1000!

-I don't know, suspension of disbelief and all, but at the end of the day, I just cannot envision Matty Weber being a field agent...let alone a highly effective one. Perhaps from a mental standpoint, but...

-Qaddafi's Secret Police, no less.

-The dirty bomb thing seems like something Codex would see right through...especially if he Jerry just randomly brought it up after weeks of supposed interaction.

-Love Mac getting frustrated when nothing he tries works...sometimes this show suffers a bit too much from "nailed it the first time" syndrome.

-Aww, poignant moment between Matty and Riley.

-The Bends? Like the Radiohead album?

-The Codex recruiter looks like a cross between the DoD lady from last week and Nikki... biggrin.gif

-Love Jerry's smoothness during this meeting, but it was all for naught...unsurprisingly.

-It may have been a handicap match but not a great look for the tag team of Mac and Desi to not be able to handle some dudes in bulky HazMat

-"Just once I wanna come to Europe as a tourist." Hey Mac, at least you're in a post-pandemic world and can do that!

-LOL Jerry being dressed too nicely was the tell. Great work Bozer and Russ.

-Pretty sure there's no way Mac and Desi aren't dead after that barrage of bullets from that close of range. Can I get the name of that windshield manufacturer?

-Codex sleeper cells seem to be everywhere. Phoenix can't be surprised by this, can they?

-Russ: "We can't trust anybody." Well, that's kind of your MO already.

I liked this one. The Slovenia storyline was intriguing as Mac struggled to solve the issue for most of the episode, and the reveal was cool. Jerry and the Codex storyline had some humor, but overall just served as a continuance of the introductory thread for the greater Codex return. It really could have been anybody in that role. That said, in overall terms of the series at-large this is a bit of forgettable episode too. Filler, almost.

"I'm simply filling the empty moments."

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Posted: 13 February 2021 - 02:07 PM                                    
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Reboot Specialist

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Country: Switzerland
SAK owned: a red one ;-)

Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

Here are the science notes by Tech Consultant Rhett Allain:

That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire...
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Posted: 13 February 2021 - 02:30 PM                                    
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Reboot Specialist

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Gender:  Female
Country: Switzerland
SAK owned: a red one ;-)

Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire...
Currently blogging about the MacGyver Reboot on Dashboard On Fire

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Posted: 13 February 2021 - 10:18 PM                                    
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QUOTE (DashboardOnFire @ 13 February 2021 - 05:07 PM)
Here are the science notes by Tech Consultant Rhett Allain:

Posted: 14 February 2021 - 01:33 AM                                    
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QUOTE (real_ness @ 14 February 2021 - 06:18 PM)
We should hire this guy

Who's we, and to do what?

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Posted: 14 February 2021 - 02:36 AM                                    
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Reboot Specialist

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Country: Switzerland
SAK owned: a red one ;-)

Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

QUOTE (Krug @ 13 February 2021 - 09:39 PM)
-I don't know, suspension of disbelief and all, but at the end of the day, I just cannot envision Matty Weber being a field agent...let alone a highly effective one. Perhaps from a mental standpoint, but...

maybe that's her secret and she's like a "sleeper" agent because no one would ever suspect her being one. hiding in plain sight tongue.gif

That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire...
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Posted: 15 February 2021 - 10:43 AM                                    
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QUOTE (MacGyverOnline @ 14 February 2021 - 04:33 AM)
QUOTE (real_ness @ 14 February 2021 - 06:18 PM)
We should hire this guy

Who's we, and to do what?

Just a joke....Just getting at the science explanations in more than text and more exclusive to the episodes.

Posted: 16 February 2021 - 01:24 PM                                    
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Reboot Specialist

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SAK owned: a red one ;-)

Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire...
Currently blogging about the MacGyver Reboot on Dashboard On Fire

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Posted: 10 January 2025 - 10:29 AM                                    
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Director of Intelligence

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Robert Patrick, Jorge Garcia and Henry Ian Cusick all in one episode of MacGyver Reboot? Is this a Lost reunion? Seems like it. The episode was alright and had a nice concept. People affected by a certain illness that starts with a change in behaviour before getting sick. There may not be much to say about this one as it may have been a filler but I disagree with some of the comments here. Maybe a bit late after four years but still.

-I don't know, suspension of disbelief and all, but at the end of the day, I just cannot envision Matty Weber being a field agent...let alone a highly effective one. Perhaps from a mental standpoint, but...

Seriously? Why? Because she's short? She's been in the field more than once, maybe not when it requieres running, climbing or ducking from explosions but there's no way somebody will be cracking her anytime soon. I don't think you can torture this woman. She's too bossy and tough for it. Actually I find that remark a tad insulting while she showed how effective she can be time and time again. She is not to be messed with and if you push her you're going to know about it. I've had my problems with the character as well but a little more respect towards her wouldn't hurt anybody.

-Love Mac getting frustrated when nothing he tries works...sometimes this show suffers a bit too much from "nailed it the first time" syndrome.

A flaw the original series had too at times. Nailing things the first times but also frustration when things doesn't work like a dialysis machine or the door busters in Deadly Dreams.

Oh, yeah, shout out to chopping the hand scene starting with his thumb. That was cool.

I think the poison that was used was applied to this knife, passed to the mutton when it was cut and then activated by the wine. - MacGyver.
Sometimes you just have to die a little inside to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.
It's better to be a little sad than to be fake content.

PMEmail PosterMSN                                                                     
Posted: 11 January 2025 - 08:35 PM                                    
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DXS Operative

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Season: season 2
Episode:The Eraser
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Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

QUOTE (MacGyverGod @ 11 January 2025 - 07:29 AM)
Seriously? Why? Because she's short? She's been in the field more than once, maybe not when it requieres running, climbing or ducking from explosions but there's no way somebody will be cracking her anytime soon. I don't think you can torture this woman. She's too bossy and tough for it. Actually I find that remark a tad insulting while she showed how effective she can be time and time again. She is not to be messed with and if you push her you're going to know about it. I've had my problems with the character as well but a little more respect towards her wouldn't hurt anybody.

It's called being realistic. Short limb dwarfism is quite a limiting (and often painful) disability and she certianly doesn't have the physical abilities needed to be a field agent. She can't run very well or fast, can't fight and being that size makes her undercover work very limited due to being easily recognizable and also physical constraints. She can't even drive a normal car to escape a situation if she had to, or even reach things on the back of a normal height countertop or cupboard. Just climbing over something like a normal sized fence would be nearly imposable for her.

Nothing she has done in the show translates to real life. Giving someone a bad look and strong tone isn't going to stop them from kicking her to the ground and putting a bullet in her.

In real life she has had both hips replaced because of the way she has to walk.

There's nothing disrespectful about being realistic. There's a reason we never really see her doing anything other than standing around giving orders. It's because that's all she can really physically do.

"One time we were on a camping trip. This bear ate all our food! I got all wimpy scared, but my grandpa, he said to me, 'Bud. . . we'll just go grazing.'"

PMEmail PosterYahoo                                                                     
Posted: 12 January 2025 - 04:22 AM                                    
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Reboot Specialist

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Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Brown bomber
House:  House boat

To be fair, I think both Matty and Desi are not fit for undercover work - simply because they're too recognizable. At least Desi would have the possibility to cover up her extensive tattoos. But Matty would be too easily remembered.

But after all, it's a CBS show. I can't see Samantha Cage being able to hurl these heavy guys around that are three times her weight. Or Bozer - a former film-and-mask-maker with a degree in film (maybe; not sure if that's ever said) and some agent beginners training being allowed to lead the Phoenix Foundation while the bosses are busy and otherwise occupied laugh.gif

That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire...
Currently blogging about the MacGyver Reboot on Dashboard On Fire

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Posted: 13 January 2025 - 05:08 AM                                    
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Director of Intelligence

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Season: season 5
Episode:Serenity, Passages, Humanity
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket:  Black/Navy flight
House:  House boat

QUOTE (Grazer @ 12 January 2025 - 05:35 AM)
QUOTE (MacGyverGod @ 11 January 2025 - 07:29 AM)
Seriously? Why? Because she's short? She's been in the field more than once, maybe not when it requieres running, climbing or ducking from explosions but there's no way somebody will be cracking her anytime soon. I don't think you can torture this woman. She's too bossy and tough for it. Actually I find that remark a tad insulting while she showed how effective she can be time and time again. She is not to be messed with and if you push her you're going to know about it. I've had my problems with the character as well but a little more respect towards her wouldn't hurt anybody.

It's called being realistic. Short limb dwarfism is quite a limiting (and often painful) disability and she certianly doesn't have the physical abilities needed to be a field agent. She can't run very well or fast, can't fight and being that size makes her undercover work very limited due to being easily recognizable and also physical constraints. She can't even drive a normal car to escape a situation if she had to, or even reach things on the back of a normal height countertop or cupboard. Just climbing over something like a normal sized fence would be nearly imposable for her.

Nothing she has done in the show translates to real life. Giving someone a bad look and strong tone isn't going to stop them from kicking her to the ground and putting a bullet in her.

In real life she has had both hips replaced because of the way she has to walk.

There's nothing disrespectful about being realistic. There's a reason we never really see her doing anything other than standing around giving orders. It's because that's all she can really physically do.

She wasn't there to be a field agent but to lead the team from the war room. That's why she mostly stays in the war room. And I've seen her firing a gun too. It's like Tyrion Lannister. Would almost say she would drink and know things because it's all she's got. And there is so much she can do besides bossing around. She has connections with whoever outranks her, she knows peoples, she can talk her way out of things and in fact as she has fired a gun, she could've fired more guns from behind whatever cover as long as doesn't need running or anything. Besides she was in the field when she met Ethan. She may not by physically strong and only has her mental strength, voice and looks but that doesn't mean she can't be a good field agent.

To be fair, I think both Matty and Desi are not fit for undercover work - simply because they're too recognizable. At least Desi would have the possibility to cover up her extensive tattoos. But Matty would be too easily remembered.

But after all, it's a CBS show. I can't see Samantha Cage being able to hurl these heavy guys around that are three times her weight. Or Bozer - a former film-and-mask-maker with a degree in film (maybe; not sure if that's ever said) and some agent beginners training being allowed to lead the Phoenix Foundation while the bosses are busy and otherwise occupied

You'd recognize Desi because she's Asian and angry most of the time. Cage didn't need to hurl heavy guys around. That's all a matter of using their advantages against them.

Bozer keeps bothering me ever since the beginning. They should've never left him out of the loop for ten episodes straight in the beginning. If he was an agent from the start, I'd have less a problem with him than I have now. And he still has that irritating voice when he either tries to charm or trying to sound angry his voice always gets so high that it sounds like he's trying to sing his lines rather than to just say them. Or maybe had another actor and call him Breeze instead or Booker for all I care.

I think the poison that was used was applied to this knife, passed to the mutton when it was cut and then activated by the wine. - MacGyver.
Sometimes you just have to die a little inside to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.
It's better to be a little sad than to be fake content.

PMEmail PosterMSN                                                                     
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