Pilot Filming Is Under Way, Unaired MacGyver Pilot (2016)
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Posted: 15 April 2016 - 01:16 PM                                    
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Shooting seems already to be underway. OnLocationsVacation listed the shooting location for April 8th: 2632 E. Washington Bl, Pasadena

Link: http://www.onlocationvacations.com/2016/04...llateral-beauty

Tweets from April 12th:

Thea Grabiec @TheaGrabiec
Up early tomorrow! Working on the #MacGyver #pilot!

Vanessa Marie @VVMarie1
Standing in on #MacGyver today #StandIn #SAG #Actress

Vanessa added a first picture to a link on instagram (which she deleted afterwards), so we already have a look at the new "logo" (if it stays that way).

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Posted: 15 April 2016 - 01:22 PM                                    
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According to Google, that building is/was St. Luke's Hospital, where other movies have been filmed at...

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Posted: 16 April 2016 - 05:01 AM                                    
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Another Actor tweeted his involvement recently:

Hollywood. ‏@Hope_Hundredz 12. Apr.
On the set workin on this Macgyver pilot.

He also posted a twitter video a day later without description, and it might be from the movie set, but I'm not sure. Looks like a press conference in a hangar with military people involved....

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Posted: 16 April 2016 - 05:29 AM                                    
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Joseph Fedo (On-Set Dresser) posted this statement on Facebook (21 hours ago):

And that is a wrap on the new MacGyver pilot .....Congrats to the cast and crew for keeping film production in LA,CA!

He also praises Lucas Till in one of his comments: Thanks Bob, I think he was a good choice for the new Macgyver!

I'm not sure if that means it's a wrap for him or a wrap for the pilot. That would have been pretty fast, I think?

Link to his profile: https://www.facebook.com/joseph.fedo?fref=n...33;/joseph.fedo

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Posted: 16 April 2016 - 11:47 AM                                    
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I believe the pilot is done filming and as for the pres confrence (spoilers based on what we know and this is just an educated guess)

Perhaps the military press confrence scene is Mac returning home being herald as a hero scene?

So the on set designer thinks Lucas till makes a great macgyver interesting...

I still am left wondering when will we know more like pics of Lucas till in character and of course the trailer.

My guess is nothing major till May when CBS says yes macgyver is going to air _______________

But I would love just a picture of Lucas on set to see if we have short hair or long hair

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Posted: 17 April 2016 - 08:59 AM                                    
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Screenplay Writer MJ London posted new pics of the set on her Twitter account today:

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Posted: 17 April 2016 - 09:01 AM                                    
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Don't know her role or where she got the pictures...

via https://twitter.com/mj_london

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Posted: 17 April 2016 - 09:02 AM                                    
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(via https://twitter.com/mj_london )

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Posted: 17 April 2016 - 09:15 AM                                    
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(via https://twitter.com/mj_london )

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Posted: 17 April 2016 - 11:32 AM                                    
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Or we could get news now lol I love the pics

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Mr Duct Tape
Posted: 17 April 2016 - 12:27 PM                                    
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Cool pics, thanks for sharing them here. thumbsup.gif

I'm getting a kind of similar vibe of the episode Human Factor, with that cave entrance and the location

"Ok hotshot, so you got yourself a golden brown palomino between your legs, and NO reins. Now what?"

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Posted: 17 April 2016 - 01:43 PM                                    
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Other comments from Joseph Fedo's FB page yesterday:

> It should be pretty exciting, a lot like the original show
> It was a tough show prop wise, but they did a great job...(...)

(via https://www.facebook.com/#!/joseph.fedo )

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Posted: 17 April 2016 - 07:10 PM                                    
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This is awesome! biggrin.gif

I still want a picture of Lucas in charatcer though!! doh.gif

MDDHosting - Professional Wed Hosting Solutions

Posted: 17 April 2016 - 09:12 PM                                    
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I guess we'll have to wait for anything official until the pilot is definitely picked up as a series?

Of course, everyone is wondering about Lucas as MacGyver. But from my experience as a fangirl, you'll get to see everyone else in character before the one character you really want to see *lol*

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Posted: 18 April 2016 - 08:26 PM                                    
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Pics are a little vague. We get a small glimpse of some locations / scenes being used. I'm with everyone else too regarding seeing the actual actors in play.

They may say its a lot like the original but that's not to say that the creative team are. hmm.bmp

We will have to see...

"The bag's not for what I take, Colson - it's for what I find along the way."

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Posted: 18 April 2016 - 10:05 PM                                    
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QUOTE (DashboardOnFire @ 18 April 2016 - 10:43 AM)
Other comments from Joseph Fedo's FB page yesterday:

> It should be pretty exciting, a lot like the original show
> It was a tough show prop wise, but they did a great job...(...)

(via https://www.facebook.com/#!/joseph.fedo )

After hearing how James Wan claimed to be a big fan of the show but then heard his butchered ideas of how to reboot it I'm pretty skeptical, and even a little nervous, when crew members say it's like the original.

We have to ask how well he knows the show and in what respect he think's it's like the original.

Also his comment on his other MacGyver post congratulating them on keeping it in LA, seems a little odd. Surely it's best to go wherever is best for the production?

MDDHosting - Professional Wed Hosting Solutions

Posted: 18 April 2016 - 11:38 PM                                    
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Absolutely but they usually have tons of happiness in their hearts when production stays in LA because most of the cast & crew are from there. I.E. Close to home.

Lots of cast/crew don't like to shoot in other territories.

"The bag's not for what I take, Colson - it's for what I find along the way."

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Posted: 19 April 2016 - 05:03 PM                                    
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I guess it's possible that they are flying under the radar a bit at the moment because they don't know if the show will get picked up or not. No point making a big deal out of something to then have it not even picked up.

Having said that though, and looking at Lucas Tills twitter feed... I can't help thinking they have misfired already. If you look at shows which are big hits these days, most of them have a constant social media feed from the actors. They share onset information and pictures and basically constantly engage with the fans. Lucas doesn't appear to do that.

Shows and actors with no social engagement lose interest pretty fast now. Even RDA has found that (as much as he doesn't like it) he has to make regular posts on Kate's site to keep fans engaged simply because that's what fans want now. The attitude these days seems to be that if actors don't want to engage with fans, then fans wont engage with them either and just move on to a show or actor who does engage.

MDDHosting - Professional Wed Hosting Solutions

Posted: 19 April 2016 - 07:58 PM                                    
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No matter how good or bad the show is, they will always say its excellent. Because they want to see their work be successful.

"The bag's not for what I take, Colson - it's for what I find along the way."

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Posted: 19 April 2016 - 09:16 PM                                    
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Testing Twitter search now. Didn't know you could go that back far in time...

Found the tweet of someone who works in Graphic Design:

chrischristian ‏@chrischristian 29. März
Working on #MacGyver tomorrow. Stoked because I always wanted to be like him. Not because of his abilities but because of his sweet #mullet.

(via https://twitter.com/chrischristian )

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 11:50 AM                                    
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I have faith....

Like I said the script review gets me hyped up. Some of the pics look nice

Over all I am happy.

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 02:29 PM                                    
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Well. Google even helps technically challenged people like me, but not always ;-)

I managed to download the video that Hollywood.@Hope_Hundredz posted on Twitter a day later he posted being working on the MacGyver set (via https://twitter.com/Hope_Hundredz/status/720039905137598464 ).

I still haven't got an answer if it's actually from the set, so.... guess you have to discuss and decide for yourself... anyone knows how to upload it to this forum? It won't let me, although the size is less than the maximum of 4.93mb (it's an mp4 video file)....

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 02:37 PM                                    
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Found another actor involved in the Reboot:

Ruman Kazi ‏@RealRumanKazi 12. Apr.
Let the good times roll. I #booked a co-star for an episode of the MacGyver reboot! #alhumdulillah

Ruman Kazi ‏@RealRumanKazi 13. Apr.
The trailers are getting nicer. Dope. #CBS #acting #macgyver https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJxet9D1DE/

(via https://twitter.com/RealRumanKazi )

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 02:52 PM                                    
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picture of the stunt team on set:

picture of the costume design team on set on the last day of shooting:

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 07:04 PM                                    
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Impressive, Dash!

"The bag's not for what I take, Colson - it's for what I find along the way."

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 08:01 PM                                    
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QUOTE (DashboardOnFire @ 21 April 2016 - 11:29 AM)
I managed to download the video that Hollywood.@Hope_Hundredz posted on Twitter a day later he posted being working on the MacGyver set (via https://twitter.com/Hope_Hundredz/status/720039905137598464 ).

OMG! Is that Lucas in the red T-Shirt IN CHARACTER??

One question.... how do you know what the video is of? there's no caption.

MDDHosting - Professional Wed Hosting Solutions

Posted: 20 April 2016 - 09:17 PM                                    
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QUOTE (KiwiTek @ 21 April 2016 - 06:01 AM)
One question.... how do you know what the video is of? there's no caption.

Well, I don't know, sadly. It's all speculation because it fits the timeline and the setting, but he seems to work on other projects, too at the moment (so could be something else). But MacGyver is the only project he mentioned by name.

I asked him about the video but didn't get an answer. Don't sure if I should ask him again or more directly (via private message).

I also didn't retweet it or post elsewhere because I hoped he might post more stuff. That girl that posted the pics from set deleted them after they were shared and posted online. Guess she got into trouble for it; most productions do have a "no post of anything" policy, after all. Nobody wants to risk looking unprofessional.

Guess we have to wait and see what else turns up.

I'm not sure how this works: If the series gets picked up - when will they start shooting the rest of season one? I guess they would have to start soon?

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 09:54 PM                                    
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I'm starting to get a bit more interested in this now. The thing that will swing it one way or another is still seeing Lucas as Mac. When is this likely to air in the states? UK tv doesn't do things like the US and I never understand filming pilots that sometimes don't even air etc.

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Posted: 20 April 2016 - 10:01 PM                                    
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Pilots are usually sold to a network to air. But sometimes nobody wants to buy them. blush.gif

Like the disastrous Saint (2013) reboot.

But if they get aired and there's a demand for it, networks usually green light a season.

"The bag's not for what I take, Colson - it's for what I find along the way."

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Mr Duct Tape
Posted: 21 April 2016 - 03:26 AM                                    
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Wow Dashboard is quite the scoop master! Well done my friend! thumbsup.gif

thanks for the pics and videos w00t.gif

"Ok hotshot, so you got yourself a golden brown palomino between your legs, and NO reins. Now what?"

PMEmail Poster                                                                     
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