5-13 Barn Find + Oil Slick + La Punzonatura + Lab Rats + Tachometer
Airdate: April 9, 2021 Written by: Alessia Costantini and Andrew Karlsruher Directed by: Katie Eastridge
Guest Cast: Peter Allas (Marco Vecchi) Fabio Massimo Bonini (Franco Scuro) Amy Dionne (Dr. Sandria) Victoria Ric (Carla Giordano) Matt Fowler (Broker) Melanie Minichino (Simona Amelia Scuro) Vincent Aleandri (Nicola) Gianfranco Folchitto (Guido)
While Mac and the team delve into the world of Italian car culture in order to track down a crime boss-in-hiding, Mac must lean on Desi when he discovers that he losing the ability to control his hands. Also, Mac and Desi move in together and Riley reveals the truth about her secret team of hackers to Russ.
Posts: 9,332
Joined: 14 Apr 2016
Gender: Female
Country: Switzerland
SAK owned: a red one ;-)
Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
The episode had a few flaws, but overall, I really liked it. I laughed out loud about some scenes; e.g. the Opening Gambit and Desi and Mac "co-habitating" (we predicted it would get kinda messy, no?).
Generally, I felt there was too much going on at once, but overall, there was action and character development. Still not all that happy the way they're scrambling to save Desi's character. She switches so much in between nagging and doting it's a bit of a whiplash
That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire... Currently blogging about the MacGyver Reboot on Dashboard On Fire
I agree with the things moving too fast. How you go from bumbling Tom & Jerry living together to two peas in a pod overnight. And in the opening gambit how did they find ALL that stuff that quickly. How did that cheap ass underpowered subcompact rental hold off a luxury german SUV WHILE towing a car.
The "science" felt too fast on this one, but even OG Mac had episodes like this.
I love that Riley said to her boss's face he's a loser lol
Posts: 9,332
Joined: 14 Apr 2016
Gender: Female
Country: Switzerland
SAK owned: a red one ;-)
Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
I agree with the things moving too fast. How you go from bumbling Tom & Jerry living together to two peas in a pod overnight.
I guess the average viewer won't care - but while their comedic timing was great and the screnes made me laugh out loud, they also revealed the plotholes.
While I still have no clue how long Mac and Desi were dating before they broke up during S3 and 4, I can't believe Desi wouldn't know Mac's morning routine. They might have not lived together before, but we all know that Desi has stayed overnight before; even when Riley still lived in Mac's house. She also has cooked in Mac's kitchen before and would have known the cabinets are full of beakers
Generally, this is stuff we should have seen back in S4; and even if it was just in a flashback scene. It seems weird to me to spend time on this now. With all the time-jumps, they must have started on-and-off-dating like 3 or 4 years ago.
I love that Riley said to her boss's face he's a loser lol
That was fun, too. I can't remember that Riley and Russ ever had scenes alone before, either? And it was nice she called him out. Though that's the 3rd boss not really trusting her while they never have problems trusting the guests star of the week
That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire... Currently blogging about the MacGyver Reboot on Dashboard On Fire
QUOTE (DashboardOnFire @ 11 April 2021 - 04:06 AM)
I agree with the things moving too fast. How you go from bumbling Tom & Jerry living together to two peas in a pod overnight.
I guess the average viewer won't care - but while their comedic timing was great and the screnes made me laugh out loud, they also revealed the plotholes.
While I still have no clue how long Mac and Desi were dating before they broke up during S3 and 4, I can't believe Desi wouldn't know Mac's morning routine. They might have not lived together before, but we all know that Desi has stayed overnight before; even when Riley still lived in Mac's house. She also has cooked in Mac's kitchen before and would have known the cabinets are full of beakers
Generally, this is stuff we should have seen back in S4; and even if it was just in a flashback scene. It seems weird to me to spend time on this now. With all the time-jumps, they must have started on-and-off-dating like 3 or 4 years ago.
I love that Riley said to her boss's face he's a loser lol
That was fun, too. I can't remember that Riley and Russ ever had scenes alone before, either? And it was nice she called him out. Though that's the 3rd boss not really trusting her while they never have problems trusting the guests star of the week
Makes me think the current showrunners and writers never went back checked the previous people's work.
Posts: 173
Joined: 1 Oct 2018
Gender: Male
Country: United States
SAK owned: Shriner-Issued
Season: season 1
Episode:For Love Or Money
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: Observatory
Better late than never...
-Love Boat! Er, "Countdown!" I'd ask where Charlie Robinson was but he's passed in the new series too.
-I'd love an explanation as to why they were covert op'ing on that cruise ship. Couldn't have been due to the pirate attack.
-Using lab rats doesn't seem very forward-thinking for Phoenix.
-This seemed a very improvised plan from MacGyver. Like these two guys wouldn't have their suspicion aroused by quickly backing up your car into the barn.
-Yeah, I don't know about the towing power of that particular vehicle.
-What is "Spy Hunter?" Good question.
-A Phoenix Team Wanted By Local Authorities Tracker is something we should have kept for this series.
-Bozer has to be Phoenix's #1 lab guy. Always finds the answers.
-The vinyl covering for the car isn't conspicuous at all, is it?
-To say nothing of the thing rattling down the road sounding like a tank.
-Yes, San Marino is a plot point! They're going to San Marino! Love me some microstates!
-I want that San Marino Motor Club banner.
-"Lovely Day for a Car Show"..."When in Italy, What Day Isn't?"...Except you're not in Italy, you're in San Marino.
-The cigarette lighter. So Scuro did notice, contrary to what his daughter thought.
-San Marino is almost entirely located on Monte Titano...thus, this Georgia geography doesn't quite capture the terrain.
-Whoa! Desi gets some narration time.
-You think Mac would have upgraded to a larger bed by now.
-Fixing it just got a wee bit tougher.
I enjoyed the action in this one, as well as the location choices. MacGyver losing the use of his hands and having to rely on Desi was a nice touch. Meh on the all the lovey-dovey-to-bickering stuff. Good episode otherwise.
Posts: 173
Joined: 1 Oct 2018
Gender: Male
Country: United States
SAK owned: Shriner-Issued
Season: season 1
Episode:For Love Or Money
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: Observatory
QUOTE (DashboardOnFire @ 11 April 2021 - 01:06 AM)
I agree with the things moving too fast. How you go from bumbling Tom & Jerry living together to two peas in a pod overnight.
I guess the average viewer won't care - but while their comedic timing was great and the screnes made me laugh out loud, they also revealed the plotholes.
While I still have no clue how long Mac and Desi were dating before they broke up during S3 and 4, I can't believe Desi wouldn't know Mac's morning routine. They might have not lived together before, but we all know that Desi has stayed overnight before; even when Riley still lived in Mac's house. She also has cooked in Mac's kitchen before and would have known the cabinets are full of beakers
Generally, this is stuff we should have seen back in S4; and even if it was just in a flashback scene. It seems weird to me to spend time on this now. With all the time-jumps, they must have started on-and-off-dating like 3 or 4 years ago.
Timelines and plotholes have really plagued this season. Some are understandable, most aren't. Not having some concept of what you were getting into with moving in with Mac falls in the latter specifically because of what you mention. You know him. You know his place. None of this should be that surprising.
The one positive was some of their interactions in this one were funny, which helped soften their scenes for me.
Season: ---
Episode:Halloween Knights
Vehicle: Motorcycle
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
I saw one of the writers mentioning that they put the car together like three months prior to filming. It brought back a fun memory.
My sister lives near Atlanta, and does sewing and apolstrey, including car interiors. Someone she works for was approached by a guy who was impressed with my sister's work on the car interior, and said he might come back since they needed that kind of work done for a car that they were building for a MacGyver episode. She didn't actually end up working on anything for the show, but it would have been cool had he decided to come back. The timeline adds up, as does the fact that the car was a central theme this episode, so I suspect this is the car the guy meant
"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer" - Hank The Cowdog
"You have the heart of a chief, and the soul of a dragon"- How to Train Your Dragon 2
"[T]he more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each one of us will be" - Zootopia
"Love makes you do strange things." - Charlie Brown
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Dreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge
Posts: 9,332
Joined: 14 Apr 2016
Gender: Female
Country: Switzerland
SAK owned: a red one ;-)
Season: season 3
Episode:The Widowmaker
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
QUOTE (Dragondog @ 14 April 2021 - 12:37 PM)
She didn't actually end up working on anything for the show, but it would have been cool had he decided to come back. The timeline adds up, as does the fact that the car was a central theme this episode, so I suspect this is the car the guy meant
ooooh, that would have been pretty cool indeed. but it's still a great story!
That's always a sign you might be in trouble if your dashboard is on fire... Currently blogging about the MacGyver Reboot on Dashboard On Fire
Season: ---
Episode:Halloween Knights
Vehicle: Motorcycle
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
QUOTE (DashboardOnFire @ 14 April 2021 - 05:01 AM)
QUOTE (Dragondog @ 14 April 2021 - 12:37 PM)
She didn't actually end up working on anything for the show, but it would have been cool had he decided to come back. The timeline adds up, as does the fact that the car was a central theme this episode, so I suspect this is the car the guy meant
ooooh, that would have been pretty cool indeed. but it's still a great story!
Just a benefit of where she lives, I guess Bummer the show will be over before I end up moving down there later this year
"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer" - Hank The Cowdog
"You have the heart of a chief, and the soul of a dragon"- How to Train Your Dragon 2
"[T]he more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each one of us will be" - Zootopia
"Love makes you do strange things." - Charlie Brown
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Dreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge
Season: ---
Episode:Halloween Knights
Vehicle: Motorcycle
Jacket: Brown bomber
House: House boat
Also, remember when Pete started going blind, and Mac got burn injuries, so Mac was Pete's eyes while Pete was Mac's hands? Seems like this episode might be referencing that.
"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer" - Hank The Cowdog
"You have the heart of a chief, and the soul of a dragon"- How to Train Your Dragon 2
"[T]he more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each one of us will be" - Zootopia
"Love makes you do strange things." - Charlie Brown
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Dreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge
Posts: 7,747
Joined: 13 Jan 2004
Gender: Male
Country: Belgium
SAK owned: Don't know
Season: season 5
Episode:Serenity, Passages, Humanity
Vehicle: Jeep
Jacket: Black/Navy flight
House: House boat
This was a pretty good episode and I assume the nanotech storyline will be the series finale for the last four episodes with only three more to go. Despite the season was all over the place, they still like to hold on into ongoing stories for multiple episodes.
Mac and Desi living together and not being in each others way seems rather difficult. Also Desi seems to be suffering from moodswings. Watching the beginning of the episode and she's irritated by his behaviour, keeping the comments in mind, there may be a few points on Desi here. I was like, if she's like this, I'd kick her back out. In those scenes I was thinking: it's over for her, there's no redemption left and they ruined the character. The constant 180 turns they seem to be doing for quite some time are now really getting tiring. During missions nothing seems wrong, there is definitely chemistry there, but once they address the relationships issues at hand they don't seem to have chemistry at all. Can't forget about the drama but I'm now, ditch the drama. It's not helping the story, nor the characters, nor the series.
And then there are those mission moments where she seems more than willing to help as she did this time. It actually shows Levy Tran can shift between being irritating and angry to smiling and genuinly helpful. Indeed a great nod to Blind Faith where Mac has to tell others what to do because he's unable to do it himself. And I'm glad the nanotech storyline continues here. Unlike our Mac who gets shot up, locked up, blown up and all he's got to show it for are a few empty roles of ductape. Reboot Mac despite being shot and injured before but not as much as OG Mac, finally seems to be suffering on something. And it's something they don't know it'll be permanent or not, so there is worry involved. The nanotech he inhaled affected his brains and hands, so they don't work and someone else needs to do it.
I guess the average viewer won't care - but while their comedic timing was great and the screnes made me laugh out loud, they also revealed the plotholes.
While I still have no clue how long Mac and Desi were dating before they broke up during S3 and 4, I can't believe Desi wouldn't know Mac's morning routine. They might have not lived together before, but we all know that Desi has stayed overnight before; even when Riley still lived in Mac's house. She also has cooked in Mac's kitchen before and would have known the cabinets are full of beakers tongue.gif
Generally, this is stuff we should have seen back in S4; and even if it was just in a flashback scene. It seems weird to me to spend time on this now. With all the time-jumps, they must have started on-and-off-dating like 3 or 4 years ago.
I don't know about that timing. Indeed so much time has passed by now and it's also very irregular. Besides how can they be in each others way so much. Mac's bathroom is bigger than mine. And there is his bathroom. I think we've seen it before. Assuming it would be near his bedroom, I had the feeling the doorway also leads back to his office. Which would be weird though if you have to go through his office to reach the bathroom. That sidedoor in the kitches was open again too.
-"Lovely Day for a Car Show"..."When in Italy, What Day Isn't?"...Except you're not in Italy, you're in San Marino.
Except they are. San Marino is located in Italy, just like the Vatican is in Italy as well.
Now what on earth is Matty doing?
Riley still has the same hairdo as she had in the last episode. It's so tightly pulled down on her head. She was so hot with her hair down in that dress on the ship. Only two episodes left.
I think the poison that was used was applied to this knife, passed to the mutton when it was cut and then activated by the wine. - MacGyver. Sometimes you just have to die a little inside to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you. It's better to be a little sad than to be fake content.
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