Doing What MacGyver Would Do.

BY: Kiwitek

We hear the phrase “What would MacGyver do?” used on an almost daily basis in reference to doing a quick fix or repair on something. But it can be used in almost every aspect of our daily lives to help us get through our day to day struggles of life. What kind of food to eat; how to deal with an unruly child; what type of light bulbs to buy; How can I cut down my costs, how should I handle my friends? Any situation can be helped if not solved by asking “What Would MacGyver Do?” “If he were here what would he suggest?” At the very least it’s a nice way to give yourself an outside perspective of a situation which might otherwise have you locked in at an emotional level with no obvious way out.

I’ve found this question has served me well in being able to live a relatively simple stress-free life while raising 2 kids on my own.

The fist step to MacGyvering your life is to ask what would he do?


MacGyvering Your Life is a regular series looking at ways we can incorporate aspects of MacGyer’s values, ethics and mindset into our own lives. we encourage feedback and discussion via the comments section below and if you would like to contribute with your own article you can contact us here.


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