Episode: 032 (S2.E10)
Production No.: 40192-032
Airdate: 15 December 1986
Teleplay: Kerry Lenhart & John J. Sakmar
Story: Rob Hedden & Mark Lisson
Director: Alan Crosland
Nielsen Ratings: 13.7 rating / 21 share / 3rd (44th for the week)
A stranded MacGyver may regret hitching a ride with a retired movie actor and his wife when he discovers they are unknowingly in possession of stolen counterfeit money, with the mob close behind.
- Tried using a paperclip to to fix a blown car fuse. (but it didn’t work)
- Used ball-point pen case to fix fuel line.
- Used car muffler, seat stuffing, gasoline and steering wheel knob to make a “cannon”
- Horn, handle, horseshoe, battery and wire made an alarm
- Rolled up a newspaper and sliced the top to make a “newspaper flower”
- The red convertible is a 1959 Cadillac.
- Edward Mulhare is best known for his role as Devin Miles in Knight Rider.
- Richard Hatch is best known for playing Apollo in Battlestar Galactica.
- RDA’s finger is bandaged up in the scenes after he cut the car seat open. The story as told by RDA was that they were filming the scene where MacGyver cuts open the back seat and between takes RDA was stabbing the knife into the seat when the blade folded over and cut his little finger.
- After MacGyver removes the muffler from the car, when they drive there is no difference in the sound. Without a muffler it should have been much louder.
- The actor who played Tony is not credited for his role.
- Sometimes it’s good to get out of the big city; go somewhere where time seems to move just a little slower. ~MacGyver
- Tony and I met years ago when he was running guns into Afghanistan and I was running for my life. In a one-week period, he saved my neck twice . . . I’d kinda hoped to return the favor. ~MacGyver
- My good man, I am Guy Roberts. Time was when that name alone was sufficient to guarantee a night’s lodging and a hot meal. ~Guy
- If there is any kindness I can show to any creature, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again. ~Guy
- A paper clip can be a wondrous thing. More times than I can remember, one of these has gotten me out of a tight spot. I was sure this would be another one of those times. ~MacGyver
- Do you suppose there’ll be anything left of the car when he’s done? ~Guy
- Don’t worry; I know a guy who’s great with seats. ~MacGyver
- Project, Guy! Those of us in the back row would like to hear as well. ~June
- A good relationship is . . . a lot like a car. If you want it to work smoothly, you’ve got to put a lot of work into it – and have the right tools. Flowers make a pretty good tool for that kind of job. ~MacGyver
- Doubt that the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doest move. Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt my love. ~Guy
- The scene right before Mac fires the muffler canon — they are suppose to be running for their lives in the middle of no where, yet we can see civilization close by just over the hill.
- The Cadillacs changes between clean and dirty during the chase scenes.
- Guy Roberts claims the movie To Have And To Have Not is a movie from 1945 but was actually released in 1944. Also, Andy Williams couldn’t be 14 years old at the time. He was at least 4 to 5 years older since he was born 1927.
- In some of the shots of Guy driving, his steering wheel movements don’t match the background footage. (e.g. he’s turning the wheel but the car is going straight, or turning in the opposite direction)
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